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The Monster Hunt

Children's Book

This book, The Monster Hunt, is designed to be an interactive book for children of a young age. It is designed to be 8 in x 9 in for the front and back cover while the inside pages will be smaller, 7 in x 8 in. This allows for diversity within the book itself and the pages. The font used for the typeface on the front is Kaju Monster_G.

The book is about a small child that is woken up at night because of strange noises. He decides that he'll go on a hunt to find out what are making these noises. While doing so he discovers that it is actually monsters that are the cause of all the ruckus. So he begins counting each monster and the activity that they are doing. The book ends with the boy getting tired and he decides he'll finish hunting down the monsters that are causing the sounds a different day.

The overall color schemes will be a mixture of cool and warm, but will be darker shades. The reason for this being is because I want the inside of the bedroom to have a night time feel where only a little bit of lit may be coming from a window or lamp.

As you can see to the left, my overall design process is shown though images from the sketch on paper to it being worked on in Illustrator and Photoshop. I wanted to show the changes throughout the piece was I was working on it.

Link to Issuu:

Above is a link to the final version of my book. If you continue scrolling down on this page you will find that it is embedded to this page where you can also click on it to view it.

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